Many senior citizens typically live off of fixed income which makes spending a lot of money pretty tough. Usually you have to keep to a tight budget which does not allow much room for extra spending. One great way of getting some extra money is by getting grants for senior citizens. These grants are given by the federal government and are free for recipients. They are much better than getting loans because you aren't required to pay back the money. There are different types of grants available for different situations. First figure out what type of situation you want the grant for. Then apply for it.
If you are planning on going back to school and getting an education, it is never too late and you are never too old. You can get the Pell grant for senior citizens which would help you to pay for tuition and other school costs. To get the Pell grant you would have to fill out the FAFSA which the government uses to figure out how much money you get. The form will ask you questions about your income and how much assets you have. The less you have the more money you will get from the government.
Another type of grant for the elderly would be the housing grant. These types of grants could help you to make home repairs. For example, if the roof of your home was leaking and you did not have money to make the repairs, you could apply for the housing grant. Other grants in this category could also help you to make down payments on your first home. Check the website to search for grants.
Finally, you may want to start a business and need business grants for seniors. You do not always have to look to the federal government for money. You could also research organizations that help seniors in their endeavors. Start with your Chamber of Commerce to find these organizations. If you do a search online you could probably pull up many organizations that will help you.
Hello, my name is Janice Gearhart. My mother is a senior citizen who needs help repairing her home to maintain a reasonable living environment. Due to my father having cancer and maintenance his care the home she is living in needs a lot of maintenance. Please send me any information that will help my mother. Thanks,
ReplyDeleteJanice Gearhart
How do you know which of these sights can be trusted. Theres to many of them that says free grants and then they want 29.95 for there free grant kits.
ReplyDeletei am on ss and am a rn. i can no longer do this work. i am on retirement disability also. total 24,000 a yeAR. i want to attend a massage therapy school. there are three in my area of asheville, n.c. their tuition is 6-7,000 dollars for the 1 yr. course for a certificate or a 2yr for assoc. degree at same price.
ReplyDeleteI am a senior citizen, my house need windows, central heating and air; some other things.
ReplyDeleteI've tried to a reverse mortgage but it was said that the repairs would have to be done before I could get the reverse mortgage. I really need help. I am also receiving social security. please help!
my mom is legally blind and can meet her utility bills and can get no help from the county that she is in we were told about senior citizens grants can someone help me on this .
ReplyDeleteI have been in one industry for 40+ years. My company is giving me until the end of the year to find another job. It's become a tech savay operation & I know I need trainig in Microsoft Office & InDesign to be marketable for my same field or another career. I do not have retirement & will need to work for several years. I need a grant for training asap. Can you help?
ReplyDeleteMy Grandmother is a senior citizen and her home is in great need of repairs she have a leaking roof, her floor is about to cave in she need windows and doors. If there is any information you can help me get please send it..Thanks
ReplyDeleteMy husband has been a semi truck driver for ten years. He was resently injured and has not been able to drive again. I am retired and am asking for financial help to start a small business. Can you send me information as to where I can apply for assistance. Thanks
ReplyDeleteI am retired and looking for a grant to start rabbit farming in Rural Tennessee. I'm on a fixed income and have been raising rabbits for meat and feel that if I could get a grant to build a building to house approximately 200 rabbits I could start immediately selling the meat. It is a healthly meat than chicken and fish. Please assist with some assistance thanks.
ReplyDeleteI am 75 years old retired on SSI after 50 years of full time work. I also have bad back with three disks bulging visited three surgeons not giving me good numbers for surgery, which it means I will be with this handicap for rest of my life. My wife had falling down fracture her hip which was just replaced. Presently we are living of SSI, last year we sold our old house and both new one so we have little money leftover. But with Doctors medicine and rest of bills that will not last very long. I had to install lift in stairway of our new hoome because she is unable to walk up to bedroom without help. Also some other things that were require to be installing in a bathrooms ETC. My question is would I qualified for any grant from Uncle-Sam that does not had to be paid back. NOTE: The Medicare does not cover for any mention above.
ReplyDeleteI respond that question, Satan demon black in a power and all a rest of demon evil liberals don/t care nothing and less older like my you or any another. I am understand your situation and broke my heart, maybe now was a Conservatives in power maybe get a help, but no help from evil. Now if you look from grand like my, be very carefull, when request money are because are scam. All talk about grand but I don't see where can get. Dems was take money from SS for political BUSINESS, see how good are Dems. I use a electric scotter mobility, and need a simple two battery, need waiting month or two for get for medicare and how I can move around? A little another thing my friend,
Deletesee how work a system in Canada and any another Country south America? I hope a best for you and wife, GOD bless both two.
I need info on grants for closing cost for a new home. There has been CHIP money available, however, we are told that there is not any more money available. Need help for closing cost as contract is signed for building. Thank you for any help you can provide.
ReplyDeleteim sorry to say all you have to is kiss
DeleteI need info on grants for home repairs for my elderly father in law Thank you for any info
ReplyDeleteI need info on grants for home repairs for seniors for my father in law
ReplyDeleteAs a result of the following, I have been left almost penny less, spent my savings trying to keep my Wife alive!... (Dr.'s, Meds, transportation, Home extra expenses when she was in Hospice care here.) WHY am I unable to get any HELP ???
ReplyDeletesnowbeardvc, Aug 10 12:41
My Wife and I were Attacked in a Brutal Home Invasion and Fire.. She did NOT survive and died, I am recovering from a Concussion and many 10" Hunting Knife cuts all over my upper body, fighting it away from my neck, hit in temple and knocked out, dragged up wheelchair ramp and zip tied to lower rail of ramp...He the shot 9 rounds into home through window just over my wife's head, when she refused to open the door, then broke out window and climbed into home, kept hitting her because she was not walking fast enough with he walker.... I am a retired minister, Disabled and 81 yrs. old. We were helping our local neighbors with providing them WATER and what ever else (helping with food, obtain fans & generators for their power, etc.) we were able to do to help them. The attack and fire destroyed our Well pump generator and a number of other things located in the building that burned down... We are seeking a way to rebuild, get a new generator to pump the well pump water into our water tank, which has been dry for 18 months now, it also services my home, so I have been without any Running Water in my Home for that time, made me ill the week before last, had to be Hospitalized for a week (Dehydrated, and with Blood poisoning).... Living in Apache County Arizona (is the Poorest County in our Nation) in a Rural area OFF the Grid, where many are existing in trailers and shacks, that was part of the reason I came here to help the surrounding residents, many older also and some disabled to, few have their own water wells, have to drive miles to haul their water.. (Unfortunately some of the older residents are dying in the Winter from the cold and from the Heat in the Summer) We would like to just make their lives a bit more comfortable and save trips to town that is 25 miles away....... Unfortunately, my home was NEVER finished, the Manufacturer and Dealer gave us a Home worth $38,000, problem we paid $65,000+ cash up front. So it can be said, "We were Ripped OFF !"
Then to have the Attack and Fire, has just topped it off! We have been unable to find anyone that seems to care !
So sorry for your loss. Have you conatcted the loacl newspaper to make your story told? That might help. Best wishes, and hope for some help for ou
DeleteAdditional info: am now 82 and Disabled will loose my Home in 10 days from today 4/26/2014 and have NEVER heard a response from anyone about this original post!!! Really interesting to find that no one seems to care... after the concussion I received in the attack I had a stroke to top it off.... anyone know of a bridge that I can live under????
DeleteMany places have victims assistance. Most have funds for people of crimes. Check with prosecutor, and other law enforcement. Not sure who funds this. I have prayed for you , try to trust God and STAND on this word for help.
Deleteare there any grants to finish my basement (owner occupied)? I'm 68 but still working.
ReplyDeleteself-sufficient Christian senior who recently unexpectedly lost long time job, found another which can't start just yet because it is summer seasonal; in the meantime, have exhausted assistance here and from my church. Also, at this same frame, my bank account was compromised to the degree it has a negative balance. I need a minimal grant or cash amount to get through Feb. and March and get obligations caught up, and current car loan and rent paid. Thank You
ReplyDeleteHello I'm seeking a grant to replace my old home for a new one,I am disabled.I was taken off SSI because I own a home that's not liveable. I want your help to replace old home for a new home so me and my daughter can live there again,we will be back home that's all I ask.I hope this matter you can take care of for me asap. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI am 63 yrs old disabled but my mother of 80 yrs. just went through double leg amputation above the knee from falling in a fire. she is now in rehab I [lant to bring her home but my house is not handicap vailable I would need all doors widen .ramp, 2 bedrooms/bath inlarged how would I go about this with no money???
ReplyDeleteWe are in dire need of a new roof and gutters! My husband is 76 and I am 70 years old living on a fixed income through social security. We had saved up a few hundred dollars to have the roof repaired, but the handyman who was going to fix it had all of the equipment in his truck, was going to purchase material for the roof when his truck, building equipment and the money were stolen. The police found the truck nearly destroyed and of course none else. I have heard testimonies of how people have received help like this but I can never find out how or what to do. Can you please help me?
ReplyDeleteany one here ever get answers back
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I have lived in our home since we built it in 1966. Now that we are retired (I am 73 and he is 78) we can no longer afford repairs and alterations that need to be done in order for us to remain in our home. We are both healthy but it's a money issue. Is there any help available for us?
ReplyDeleteWhere can a person get an application to apply for a senior citizen home repair loan?
ReplyDeleteMy husband and I have been through a multitude of illness. We have worked very hard our whole married life (50 years) to keep things repaired and well kept. However, things have changed. Both my husband and myself have had many set-backs concerning our health. We had an adequate amount of RRSP's for retirement. Hover, due to our ill health, we had to cash RRSP, after RRSP to pay for hired help in our business which ate up all of our savings. We felt approximately four years ago that our home needed to be upgraded if we wish to sell one day.
ReplyDeleteAt this time, my husband was driving a school bus for the City. For the up-dating our home, and a big hit of dental bills, as well as a funeral for his mother, we now owe a little over $70,000.00 on a credit line. While my husband drove school bus we were able to make payments on the line of credit. However, he blacked out one day and taken to hospital by ambulance. He was diagnosed with renal failure. Therefore, he had to quit his job as a school bus driver -- we now have approximately $7,000.00 a year less to get along with. We are now living just on Government pensions. My husband did all of the work on the updates on our home. We looked at it like an investment, and felt that we could take care of monthly payments on our credit line. However, now it is impossible -- we just pay the interest every month
I am an ex-felon, 64 years old, I want to start a small vermiculture business, and need start up financing. I am unemployed and only receive $200 in retirement benefits plus food stamps. I need financial assistance!! Please help!!
ReplyDeleteI am 69 years old and need teeth pulled and inbedded rotting wisdom teeth that are very close to the nerve cut out by a oral surgeon which causes the possibility of causing my face to be paralyzed in that area. Surgery will cost $3000.00 and I am told medicare will pay on this where can I get some help for this?